We had a quick minimeet with a few friends <3 It was more about meeting than photographing, but still got a few good pics. We had a hipster branch and some cuties to boost :3 Also some 3D printed dolls 😀 As you can tell they had a lot of fun~
2022 Japanese Garden Meet
Our biggest meet since we can freely go around! We had a lot of locations and a really nice warm and sunny day. I bought Chino and Isao with me, I’m really glad cause I needed some photos of them. I love Isao’s photos leaning to that little creek.
Autumn Photomeet
It’s been a long month of editing these pics but I didn’t want to hurry with them so I have time to give each one the attention needed. We walked a good portion of the island and took a lot of photos in a lot of nice places~ I thought bringing Mika out was about time since she wasn’t in the spotlight for a while now, plus since some monsters came with us Aiji bought …
First Photomeet in a while
So a pandemic happened and we couldn’t really hold photomeets but thanks to vaccines we now can move freely, at least for the summer~ A light photomeet, the location was familiar and I loved the idea of taking product photos in the wild! (The green dress will be my main piece for a cottage core themed upload soon!)
Guess who found a 1/3 sized real watermelon! 😀 It’s summer and I love melons, all kinds. What we learned is that small watermelons exist and they taste like honey, at least this one did. We also learned that Aiji can eat up to 5 slices 😀 We also had a guest @floralaguna on the weekend to play dolls and magus ^^
We found out that Aiji has a stalker :O She’s secretly following him wherever she can >:3 The doll is a gorgeous Phoenixdoll Liu owned by @ashuradark that I had the pleasure to do a faceup for <3