Showing: 43 - 48 of 65 RESULTS


Kimmuriel tried to summon a big and scary demon to potentially use it to scare humans, and ofcourse show Rai how easy it is to use magic and irritate him that the “big” wizard can’t.


After completing the August photo challenge, a new one poked it’s head. We visited our usual vacation spot at lake Balaton, this time I bought Aiji and Isao with me. They have not been there before and I wanted to take some nice photos. The weather was very nice, so much so that we had a heatwave even in September. And of course besides the usual scenery, because it’s these two, there were some smut …


A little story about how the boys wanted to surprise Martha and Karin after work. How different ideas of the two have of courting 😀

2019 August BJD Challenge

The idea is to take one picture every day, for the day’s theme. This could be just phone snaps but of course I wanted to go all out on it and now here we are, over half the month it’s going nicely! The themes are pretty simple and nice to do, I have ideas for the rest of the month too. Luckily I’ll just finish before we go on vacation on the 1st ^^ I’ll …

Photomeet – Elizabeth Lookout Tower Act II

We went back to out favorite lookout! There were supposed to be more people coming, but they got scared off by the forecast, wich was not wrong, we did get a heavy rain when we got up, but it passed quickly and the air was so much nicer afterwards. You can spot on the panoramic views where it’s raining ^^

Stroll in the Park

A really quick and small meet formed one weekend and we decided to go down to the park before sunset. Eventually one little guy stayed to get some new eyes by Ashuradark ^^