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Chapter II – Part 3

“Yes, I’m here. I’m here. You’re alright. You’re alright.”The words echoed in his conscience, the now familiar voice soothing his senses that were in overdrive. Isaac was not sure how long he have been sitting in his little corner, watching the crack in the door. Not much registers to him when he’s like this. Panicked. His eyes working against him, because he just can’t close them and look away and he just can’t shut out …

Chapter II – Part 2

Aiji hated mornings. Not just because it was way too bright, for his way too hungover brain at most times – although this was a strong case against it – but because he ran in to so many happy and motivated people on his way to the coffee shop on the corner. Now this would have not been a problem, had he not had the pleasure of the foulest mornings of all. He was not …

Omake – The Inu Yukata

It was four years ago, when Aiji first asked him to fly to Japan, meet his family and, well officially start to date. Back then he would feel very much awkward and on edge the whole time they were here. He didn’t felt like he belonged in this world, but now, he was more confident, coming back to this annual festival.The family has also grown fond of him. It was no surprise Karin loved having …

Chapter II – Part 1

– Don’t feed his ego, it’s barely fitting in here as it is.
– And will my ego get a drink? Oh dear keeper of ale’s?
– Did you drive here?
– Since when do you care about that?
– Since you’re giving him a ride too. – Sorel pointed a glass at Isao – I could care less if you end up on a lamp-pole, but I don’t want him to get in that mess you call driving.
– You only got a ride from me one – Aiji protested.
– Yeah, I deliberately avoid it at all cost. – Sorel glared at him.

Chapter I

-Do you trust me? – Aiji asked, voice a bit lighter now that he addressed the younger boy, who only mutter a “No” as an answer – Smart boy.

Too Far

Warning: I don’t watch porn. I read it like a fucking lady!

-Sorry, she’s a bit of a moaner – he remarked and before Isao could say or do anything, he stepped to him, taking the hand that he was holding up and with a precise tongue, licked his long finger, keeping eye-contact with his prey all the while, savoring the taste like it was a gourmet meal.