Showing: 55 - 60 of 65 RESULTS

Snow Day

We were lucky to have a snow day! 😀 I usually get one around my birthday but this was before and stayed long enough to take so many photos :3 A few weeks ago we found this very cute wood slide decor in one of the shops and it’s the perfect size!

Isao’s adventures in the mall

There is a challenge going around on Instagram, to take your dolls out to a local mall and snap some pics (mainly with Christmas decorations). This is a challenge not meant to take alone! At least have a friend there even if they are not in the hobby. I went with Ash and we took turns of snapping pics because people do not look at their feet! I am not a small girl too, and …

Fall Has Fallen!

It’s my favorite time of the year when we get to wear big sweaters, drink hot chocolate and have lots and lots of colors! Managed to finally make Karin’s more traditional attire (I’m not calling it a kimono because it’s far from that pattern) for the sake of a Con we held a booth. It was long overdue ^^; Anyway it was such a nice sunny day and the last chance to get this nice gold …


Sooo we had a fun time, of course what could go wrong, just went wrong: I ordered two flags with the logo, the only thing I misread that measurements were in mm not in cm, so what I got was two very small but very well made flags. So we had to improvise, bought some canvas fabric and printed out the logo on paper and glued it on place.Then I forgot to pack a few …

Vacation time!

While we didn’t had that much time (or more like inspiration) for many dolly pics, I did take a few nice ones  I brought Chino and Penelope, mainly because they fitted nicely in my bag and I really didn’t had all that much recent photos. Here are some of my fave ones   

Photomeet – Buda Castle

Between two vacations (I call this when we visit family.) We had a little photo meet in the Buda Castle~ It was raining a bit but that didn’t discourage us and there are many nice photos from that day. We will be going back to this venue from time to time because they open and close parts of the castle every now and then ^^ The end of the day is the point when Martha …